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Divource Ceremony/

Conscious Uncoupling.









Divorce and separation can be a difficult and traumatic experience for all parties. Not only for the couple but also the close and extended family. We have very little opportunity in todays world to approach this very real part of our lives with a productive and safely managed practice.

The importance of a correctly crafted and held ceremony to conciously acknowledge the separation of a couple can not be over-stated. We can avoid the drama inherrent in modern divorce and experience what we call a conscious uncoupling. 

Uncoupling is rooted in how to part amicably, hopefully keeping mutual respect as part of the process, to untangle onesself from past patterns of being and behaviours and to remember the needs of any children involved. By choosing to handle your uncoupling in a conscious way, regardless of what’s happening with your spouse, you’ll see that although it looks like everything is coming apart; it’s actually all coming back together.

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